vertical injection molding machine / hydraulic / for elastomers
300 t | V510 Extended
INO Group

Treated material:
for elastomers
Clamping force:
Min.: 1000 kN
Max.: 2500 kN
The especially successful small machine D 968.100 ZO (S1) has a clamping force of 1,000 kN and is fitted with all components of a big machine.
With 1,600 kN the vertical machine D 968.160 ZO (S1) is ideally suited for medium quantities.
The DESMA vertical machine D 968.250 ZO (S1) with a clamping force of 2,500 kN has been the best-seller in the standard machine series ZO for many years.
Facts about the ZO machine series:
ergonomic machine overall design
working height generally 1,100 mm only
largely dimensioned clamping unit
fully hydraulic clamping system
extensive automation possibilities
one-piece design for maximum flexibility
available in the sizes: 1,000 kN, 1,600 kN, 2,500 kN